Recent Articles and Speaking Topics Written by Randall K. Craig
- Covering Your Assets With Long-Term Care Insurance
- Mental Capacity: Issues & Implications”
- “Post” It to Enhance Health Care Advance Directives Indiana’s Relatively New Physician Orders for Scope of Treatment)
- Medicaid Planning Opportunities, Strategies and Techniques
- Asset Preservation and the Importance of Special Needs Trusts
- Planning for Long-Term Care
- Special Needs Trusts and their Importance for Asset Preservation
- Trust, Estate and Asset Protection Planning After the 2010 Tax Relief Act
- 2013 – Elder Law Developments
- 2014 – Elder Law Developments
- 2015 – Elder Law Developments
- Tort Settlements and Disability Planning: Using Special Needs Trusts in the Context of Tort Settlements and Guardianships
- Veterans Administration Aid and Attendance Pension Developments
- 2016 – Elder Law Developments
- Proposed Changes to the VA Pension Rules, VA Pension Trust Issues and a Comparison Between the Medicaid and VA Pension Trust Rules
- 2017 – Elder Law Developments
- Special Needs Trusts for Asset Protection (Planning, Implementation, Recent Developments, and a Comparison of ABLE Accounts).
- ABLE Accounts Under the Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2015.
- Uses of Revocable and Irrevocable Trusts.
- Planning for Business Continuation After Death, Disability or Retirement.
- Advance Directives: Living Wills and Powers of Attorney.
- Granny (or Granny’s Lawyer) Goes to Jail.
- Choice of Business Entities – Family Limited Partnerships.
- Practical Asset Preservation and Medicaid Planning Techniques.
- Medicaid, Asset Preservation and Planning for Long-Term Care
- Durable Powers of Attorney and Advance Health Care Directives.
- Elder Law Issues and Concerns.
- Recent Developments and Current Issues in the Area of Medicaid and Asset Preservation Planning.
- Long-Term-Care Policies and Estate Preservation.
- Estate Recovery in the Context of Medicaid.
- Basic Issues Under the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act (Spousal Impoverishment).
- Basics of Medicaid Planning.
- Mental Capacity, Powers of Attorney and Health Care Advance Directives.
- Planning With Trusts: SNTs, IIOTs and Other Trust Arrangements.
- Medicaid Eligibility – Exempt Resources.
- Irrevocable Income-Only Trusts, Special Needs Trusts and Other Trusts for Asset Preservation.
- Health Care Advance Directives.
- A Will is Not Enough – Planning for Future Legal and Financial Needs.
Legal Publications by Randall K. Craig
“Some Observations on the Use of Life Insurance in Estate Planning,” Res Gestae, 1977
“Estate Planning and Probate in Indiana,” National Business Institute, 1988
“A Will is Not Enough in Indiana,” Co-Authored with Amelia E. Pohl, July 2004
“Guiding Those Left Behind in Indiana,” Co-Authored with Amelia E. Pohl, 2006
“In Defense of the Practice of Law,” Res Gestae, 2014